Industrial Revolution
Unit 5: c. 1750-1900
Main Ideas:
Many factors (e.g. waterways, coal, etc.) enabled the Industrial Revolution, which led to an increase in specialization of labor
Industrialization spread from Britain throughout Europe then to US & Japan → Increased their share of global manufacturing
Industrialization made it possible to take advantage of Earth's resources to boost energy production
Increased use & scope of railroads, steamships, and telegraphs made communication easier → Increase trade and migration
As the influence of Industrial Revolution grew, many states adopted policies to favor industrialization
The industrial economy produced large-scale global businesses, which relied on free-market economics, which also led to an increase in consumer goods
Causes of Industrialization
Britain had most of the Features that Enabled Industrialization → Britain Started it
List of Causes of Industrialization:
Access to Waterways
Britain had lots of canals & rivers → Used those for transport & waterwheels
Coal & Iron
Britain had lots of coal & iron ore → Used them in factories
Access to Capital
Britain had a strong central bank that could support & finance industrialization
Agricultural Productivity
More agricultural production → Less people needed in farms → More people can migratee to cities
More urbanization → More people can work in factories (which were in cities)
Foreign Resources
Britain had many overseas colonies → Used their resources for industrialization
Spread of Industrialization
Industrialization Spread from Britain to Mainland Europe then to US & Japan
Key Ideas:
Rapid industrialization of Northwest Europe → Increased their share of global manufacturing → Decreased the global share of manufacturing of Middle Eastern & Asian countries
Indian & Egyptian handmade textile industries declined as European industrially-produced textiles were much cheaper
- Industrialization spread to US, Japan, and Russia as it was already successful in Northwest Europe
- Industrial success in Northwest Europe inspired US, Japan, and Russia to industrialize as well
Technological Developments
Industrialization → More Energy Available for use & led to more Global Interconnectivity
Key Ideas:
- Development of machines (steam engine, internal combustion engine) allowed people to take advantage of fossil fuels to generate energy
2nd Industrial Revolution (late 1800s) led to the use of steel, chemicals, and electricity to make useful products
Automobiles, radios, telegraphs, steel buildings, etc.
Railroads, steamships, and telegraphs made travel & communication easier → More migration & trade
Many people migrated from rural to urban centers or from Europe to the Americas in search of work
Railroads were built throughout states to facilitate travel & transport of raw materials
Government's Role in Industrialization
Many States Adopted Policies to Favor Industrialization
Key Ideas:
- As industrialization became more successful in Europe, many states adopted policies to favor industrialization to boost their nation's economy
Japan realized it was economically behind Europe → Rapidly industrialized in an event called the Meiji Restoration (1868)
Muhammad Ali (Ruler of Egypt) promoted the development of an industrial textile industry in Egypt
In Russia, Tsar Nicholas II employed Sergei Witte to help Russia industrialize
More US & European influence in Asia → Japan had internal reforms to promote industrialization → Japanese power in East Asia grew
Japan was very isolationist in 1800s, but in the Meiji Restoration (1868), Japan rapidly industrialized as it realized it was economically behind other nations​
Japan used its industrial strength to regain power in East Asia → Defeated China & Russia in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) & Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) → Gained control of many lands in East Asia such as Taiwan & Korea
Economic Developments
Nations Adopted Economic Policies to Supplement their Industrial Economies
Key Ideas:
- Western European nations abandoned mercantilism & adopted Adam Smith's free-market (laissez-faire) economics
Adam Smith promoted the idea that the gov should not interfere with the economy, an idea known as capitalism, or free-market economics
Western Europeans stopped believing in mercantilism (the idea that there is a fixed amount of wealth in the world) & switched to free-market economics
Western European nations adopted free trade policies to allow people to trade with little tariffs or gov intervention
Many global businesses emerged that relied on new financial methods & facilitated the global trade of industrial products and wealth
New financial practices such as the stock market and limited-liability corporations (a company isn't responsible for its debts) → Large-scale companies could perform riskier ventures
These global businesses were either banking businesses or businesses that got raw materials from overseas colonies and sold industrial goods in return
HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp.) was one such banking company
Industrial capitalism → Increased standard of living for some people & led to a market of a variety of consumer goods
Improvements in manufacturing processes made production much quicker → Factories produced variations of product to give consumers more choices
The middle class had extra money they could use toward pleasure purchases → Vibrant market for consumerism & consumer goods